Our mission at UrbanEco Farms is to provide the freshest and best tasting products while using the most ecologically friendly processes. We only use certified non-GMO organic seeds, filtered watered, and all-natural substances. Our microgreens, sprouts, and herbs are all grown in our greenhouse using hydroponic and aquaponic methods. No chemicals or animal waste is ever used in any of our production processes. Our products are not harvested until they are being prepared to be delivered to you – cut to order and never stored – guaranteeing freshness with great taste and the longest shelf life possible.

Farm to Table

Farm to table is when a food item is freshly harvested and prepared to be eaten by you at your home or by a local restaurant. We are solely a farm to table farm and only provide our products to individuals and restaurants located within 25 miles of our location. We are a local farm that operates as a community supported agriculture organization. Our produce is live until delivered directly to you for your table. We have designed our urban farm to shorten the food supply chain so that you can get the freshest and healthiest products available. We highly encourage you to take advantage of our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program to keep fresh microgreens, sprouts, and herbs in your home.


As individuals and a company, we recognize the need for the conservation of natural resources. Therefore, we will always use recycled, reused, and repurposed materials when possible. We promise to have at least 60% of all of our materials to be recycled, reused, or repurposed.

Customer Service

We are committed to providing top tier customer service. We will never outsource customer service, promise fast responses to inquiries, on time deliveries, fast and accurate invoicing. We will always stand behind our products and will always make you and your family our top priority.


Ecologically friendly approach focuses on reusing, repurposing, and recycling materials.


Only uses Non-Genetically Modified Organism (Non-GMO) seeds from trusted and tested sources.


Products are grown organically and naturally using the highest quality materials and filtered water.


Provides top tier customer service. We will always make you and your family our top priority.